- B. Tech – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- M. Tech – Control Systems
- PhD – Robotics
Areas of Interest:
- Control of Dynamic Systems
- Robotics
Professional Experience
- Teaching: 23 years
Research Experience
- PhD guide (A P J Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University)
- No: of research Scholars: 5
- No: of technical papers published=50
Funded Projects
- Human Operated Exoskeleton
- Pond Cleaning Robot
- An autonomous Quadcopter Based Delivery System
- Design of a Biped Robot,
- Indoor Navigation for the visually impaired
- Autonomous aerial vehicle
Other Responsibilities
- Member, Board of Governors, A P J Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University
- Member Board of Studies, BTech Robotics and Automation, Saint Gits College of Engineering
- Former Chair, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Kerala Section
- Former Convener, Syllabus committee, B.Tech Robotics and Automation, A P J Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University
- Former Secretary, College of Engineering Trivandrum Alumni Association
Expert Lectures Delivered
- Optimal Control of Robots Tutorial Session as part of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems 2022, 10-12th March 2022 (IEEE SPICES 2022)
- Control of Robots for KTU sponsored 5-day Faculty development program on “Control Systems and Robotics” at the College of Engineering Muttathara on 29th August 2022
- Path Planning of Robots, for KTU sponsored 5-day Faculty Development Program(online) on “Robotics and Control” by the Department of Robotics and Automation, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kalady on 22/4/2021
- Introduction to Robotics, for FDP on “Robotics – Modeling, Planning and Control – Phase I’ organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Palakkad, Sreekrishnapuram on 15/3/2021
- Trajectory planning of Robots, for FDP on “Robotics – Modeling, Planning and Control – Phase I’ is organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Palakkad, Sreekrishnapuram on 17/3/2021
- “Control of Robots” for an AICTE-funded FDP on Robotics organized by the Department of EEE, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology on 15-01-2021
- “Robot Path Planning” for an AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL)
Academy-sponsored Faculty Development Program Robotics and Artificial Intelligence organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering Government Engineering College Thrissur on 08-01-2021 - “Introduction to Robotics” for an AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy-sponsored Faculty Development Program Robotics and Artificial Intelligence organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering Government Engineering College Thrissur on 4-01-2021
- “Mobile Robotics with Matlab” for an AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme(STTP) -Phase II titled “Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Control”, organised by the Department of Electronics, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology,
Ernakulam on 02-12-2020. - “Modelling of Robots” for an AICTE Short Term Training Programme (STTP) for faculty members in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Control on 2nd November 2020 organised by the Department of Electronics, Toc H Institute of Science & Technology, Ernakulam.
- “Modelling and Control of Robots” for the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Faculty Development Programme(FDP) organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Kalady, Ernakulam on 8th September 2020. - “Control of Mobile Robots and Demonstration in MATLAB”- 5-day faculty development program at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, via google meet on 29th July 2020.
- “Control of Robots” at Dept of Mechanical Engineering GEC Thrissur for an FDP on “Hands-on training on Robotics and Automation” on 7th January 2020
- “Introductory concepts of Industrial Automation and PLC” at Dept of Electrical Engineering, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology for an FDP on Industrial Automation using PLC on 6th January 2020.
- “Introduction to Robotics” at Dept of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum, for an FDP on “Industrial Automation” from 1st January 2020 to 4th January 2020.