Date : 9 – October – 2018
Venue : CTSE Lab
Attendees : 54
Presided By : Dr. Abdul Nizar M , Professor, Dept.of CSE
Speakers : Amrith M (S7 CSE) & Albin Antony (S5 CSE)
Developer Student Clubs (DSC) is a Google Developers program for university students to learn mobile and web development skills. The clubs will be open to any student, ranging from novice developers who are just starting, to advanced developers who want to further their skills.The clubs are intended as a space for students to try out new ideas and collaborate to solve mobile and web development problems.
The session started around 4:30 with the introduction by the club advisor Dr. Abdul Nizar. He spoke about the importance of technical campus clubs and how students should make use of it. He highlighted the importance of development skills at present apart from what is covered in the curriculum.
The session was later handled by Amrith M (S7 CS) and Albin Antony (S5 CS). Amrith talked about the technical domains DSC deals with and an overview of problems that campus clubs can deal with and solve. The structure of the club activities and information about resources
were shared to the participants.
A technical session on Actions of Google which lasted for 1 hour was handled by Albin. Albin took a hands-on demo session and made the participants build their own actions on the Google Assistant platform. The workshop got very good responses from the participants and all the participants who came were able to follow the demonstration.
Post the session, a quiz was put up on Kahoot.it as a fun activity and later stickers were given away as swags to people who answered correctly. Feedback was collected from the participants and the Core Team of DSC CET was introduced to the participants.